torsdag 17. april 2008

Ida blir voksen

Se hva som kom i posten i går:

... et sikkert tegn på at jeg holder til i øvre halvdel av tjueårene.

I kveld skal Mario og jeg kose oss skikkelig.

4 kommentarer:

Maria Vetleseter sa...

Hohoi! Artigt :) Får e prøv?

Ida sa...

Det e klart du får! E med me hæm neste gong. Mule den ha grodd fast åt handa mi da.

Gledwood sa...

I know children who have those Nintendo home things. When I was little I fantasized about having something like that... unfortunately, because I'm 36 years old, it was not invented until some 20 years or so later!

Sorry about the vulgar old English. But I see you're Scandinavian and so doubtless highly well educated and probably quadrilingual at the very least.

Good day to you!! ;->...

Gledwood sa...

A picture can tell what many words would blabber to do, you are right. Sometimes I have gone blog-hopping into Chinese blogs and had a whale of a time putting their pages through Google's translator then getting it to translate erudite-looking comments for me. Unfortunately that facility doesn't exist for Norwegian :-<... Thanks for your comment at mine though, take it easy